Recently I read an article about LA Mexican gangs killing Blacks in neighborhoods for the purpose of ethnic cleansing. This is amazing to me, first we have whites throughout history lynching Blacks and now Mexicans? These gangs are out of control including the Black ones because they've been preying on their own people as well.
I'm not going to get pulled into hating Mexicans because of the thugs that don't represent their whole race just like the Black thugs that don't represent all of Black society. But this must be stopped, especially now that the gangs are starting to prey on the innocent people in their neighborhoods. I just thought that Mexican and Black people wouldn't be dumb enough to turn on each other. I shouldn't be so naive, human nature tells me that people can't get along even when they are the same color.
What disturbs me the most is I don't hear anything from our so called Black leaders. When the Don Imus or Jena Six mess started, it was all over the news and so were our so called Black leaders. No one was killed in those incidents like the Mexican gang killing the Black man at a bus stop or the 14yr old Black girl, where's the outcry? And even with the hype of the Mexican gangs guess who still kills the most Black people? That's right other Black people. In Philly and New Orleans their were numerous killings per month by Black people. Where are Sharpton and Jesse Jackson when a hundred Black men are killed in one month by their own people? I guess it isn't as sexy as an old white man calling black girls nappy headed hoes which rappers taught him to do or a noose on a tree with no one in the noose.
These incidents make headlines and maybe they should, but not more than Black on Black, brown on black, or brown on brown hate crimes. Oh yeah, and if the White population doesn't think this violence won't spill into their world, they're mistaken, but maybe some white people getting hurt will be what it takes to get some action on this crisis.
I have to admit, I've also been very disturbed by these latest reports. I can't believe we've turned to attacking each other while others stand by and laugh at us. Any you're right, unless it's stopped now, this will spill over into other communities.
A little something from your boys at Stormfront.orgQuestion:I'm interested in what people think would be easier, fomenting hostility in Hispanic or black communities towards each other? How would you go about doing this in a completely legal propaganda/marketing campaign? Replies: Its been my experience that blacks hate mexicans with a passion, especially the criminal element. As far as instigating something, difficult to say, someone might print up flyers and post them in a mexican section of town with some sort of inflammitory information I've heard more negroes mention their dislike for Mexicans. However, I've heard of Mexicans killing negroes. So I'm sure their dislike for each other is rather mutual. I think it would be very upsetting for negroes to learn one of their own was gunned down by a Mexican cop especially if they were lead to believe their fellow negro criminal was unarmed. The same would work vice versa with a negro cop and a poor unarmed Mexican. A copy of a newspaper article(real or not) planted in the right places could lead to something interesting. Mexican gang graffiti showing up in negrohoods or negro gang graffiti appearing in barrios might cause some tension between the muds. Since pro-white rallies are peaceful and negroes have nothing to fear, they will show up to protest these. Misleading negroes to believe one will take place could cause them to show up in a designated area which might happen to be a Mexican part of town. The Mexicans might somehow be terribly misinformed believing there is a massive negro gang gathering in their neighborhood.
More replies from the Master RACE:I find it exceedingly difficult to forment racial strife against mexicans among liberal minded negroes who are usually college educated. These types look for allies against the "White Devil" anywhere they can find them and frequently grasp at straws in their quest for such. The mexican is a straw that will bite their black asses one day as, in my experience, they have a disdain for negroes that approaches an outright hatred.Legal methods? Use factual information that is available on the web. The flyering suggestion is a good one. Utilize the internet, letters to the editor, and word of mouth too. Do some searching on the net using a combination of key words involving violence and hatred between those racial group as I did. I also posted a good link in my "Fostering racial strife" thread here in S&T. This strategy can pay huge dividends in securing our future if properly carried out. Its a matter of war and survival so even the use of disinformation is appropriate although I have not pushed it to that level yet myself, but I will when the time seems right. Its either time we started playing hardball or we all pack up and leave for the Pacific Northwest to probably make our last stand on the continent as racial patriots. Personally, I think we play hardball and go for the shutout nationwide\e. I don't want to play Custer and the 7th cavalry myself.
These two guys are unbelievable, fermenting (the first one can't even spell) hostility? It's almost funny to see the ignorance. It's been your experience that Blacks hate Mexicans? Where? What planet do you live on?
Some people obviously have way too much time on their hands. I mean, between work, family, and everything else, who the hell has time to worry about seeding hate? Get a hobby or something!
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