Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Black Screenwriters In Da House

Wow, I just got back from the Creative Screenwriting Expo and must say it was truly an invigorating experience. I went to classes, seminars and best of all pitch sessions. For those who
don't know what a pitch is, it's a short synopsis of your screenplay and it's one way that screenplays are sold to Hollywood. Basically you sit in front of representatives from production companies and you have a ten minute session with them to pitch your idea. Man, was I scared, this being my first one. Even though my first pitch didn't get me a contact, the guy liked my idea and said I would do well. He was right. I was successful on my next four pitches and handed my cards out with pleasure to the companies. Now I have to keep my fingers crossed because one of these companies actually ask me to send my script. The other pleasant surprise was how many other black screenwriters I saw at the conference. I really wasn't expecting to see that many brown faces, it was fun to talk and network with black people who loved movies and writing. Then to put icing on the cake I went to a Steven Barnes class. He's an African American sci-fi writer and I was blown away with his intellect and knowledge of writing and science fiction. Again it was refreshing to see so many black people in his class because they say most black people don't like sci-fi. Well, it shows you can't stereotype anyone because we represented. I will definitely be at the next expo and if there are any screenwriters out there I would recommend you be there too.

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